Ep 33 Seizing a golden opportunity with Franz-Josef Hahn of Peak Re

Ep 33 Seizing a golden opportunity with Franz-Josef Hahn of Peak Re

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020

In the wholesale specialty and reinsurance end of the global P&C market we can easily make the mistake of focusing too exclusively on the North American and European markets that make up the lion’s share of worldwide premiums.

We can easily fall into the error of thinking that hard markets are universal and that whenever the US sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold.

That’s why It’s great to get a different perspective with a CEO who has been building a business in the world’s fastest growing markets in Asia for the last seven and a half years.

I learnt a lot from my chat with Franz Hahn of Peak Re.

For instance, the Covid-19 crisis means that credit markets are a great opportunity as are product liability covers for exporters, particularly high added value ones such as pharmaceuticals

Asia’s prior experience of Sars, bird and swine flu and Mers mean that insurance wordings here are crystal clear and the Covid-19 disputes that are littering Western courtrooms are simply not an issue.

I also learned that the market conditions are stratified between its developed and emerging markets

There’s a lot of really useful information packed into this interview – I think you will enjoy it.


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