AIRROC Announces New Board Leadership, Officers and Directors for 2022

AIRROC Announces New Board Leadership, Officers and Directors for 2022

AIRROC is pleased to announce our 2022 slate of Officers.  Heading up the board are Chair Bill Goldsmith (AIG) and Vice Chair Betsy Mitchell (A.G. Risk Management).  Marianne Petillo (ROM) will continue to serve as Treasurer, Megan McHugh (Brandywine) as Secretary and Robert Hendel (Guy Carpenter) as Accountant.

Immediate Past Chair, Bill Teich (The Hartford) rotated off as chair of the board in December 2021.  He reached the maximum term under the AIRROC bylaws.  We are fortunate and grateful for Bill’s guidance over the years and the AIRROC community sincerely thanks him for all of his hard work and steadfast leadership.  

The Chair and Vice Chair, collectively serve as AIRROC’s Executive Committee along with Executive Director, Carolyn Fahey. Bill Goldsmith is an Associate General Counsel at AIG and Betsy Mitchell is a Reinsurance Manager with A.G. Risk Management.   Each of them brings a wealth of experience having been members of the Executive Committee for a few years serving under the leadership of Bill Teich.  They embody the spirit of AIRROC and have a long history of dedicated service, both on the board of directors and in leadership positions on key committees within the organization.

AIRROC also welcomes two new Directors:  Robert Hendel (Guy Carpenter) and Sally Redd (Allstate).

Robert Hendel recently joined Guy Carpenter as a Senior Vice President.  Rob has served as the AIRROC Accountant for many years and will continue to bring his time and talent to the table in that role.  Sally Redd was appointed by Allstate last year to finish the term of Bill Littel who retired. She is the Director of Reinsurance Administration for Allstate.  

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Ed Gibney (R&Q) and Bill Goldsmith (AIG) were also re-elected as Directors in the last election cycle.  AIRROC has a 15-person board which all serve three-year staggered terms.  For a full list of the AIRROC Directors please see the AIRROC website at

“I look forward to working with such a strong group in the coming year. Each of them provides our board with a unique background and perspective as we continue to advance AIRROC’s mission and strategic direction of growth and relevancy to the legacy sector,” said AIRROC’s Executive Director, Carolyn Fahey. 

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