How do I cancel my AXA insurance?

How do I cancel my AXA insurance?

But should you wish to cancel, submitted withdrawals can only be cancelled by calling our hotline at 85815-292 (AXA) within the day of submission, before 6pm. Otherwise, the withdrawal will continue.

Are AXA call Centres open?

We’re here to take your call: Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm. Saturday: 9am to 5pm. Sunday: closed.

Are AXA and Aviva the same company?

“AXA XL has invested in and developed an established and market-leading UK private clients team over the past several years; however, as part of a strategic realignment, we have decided to sell that part of our business to Aviva,” it said in the statement sent to Insurance Business. Mar 2, 2021

Does AXA have live chat?

If you need help with this, you can talk to our team through live chat. You can access live chat through the ‘Policy Change’ section in your online account. Our live chat team are on hand to answer your queries: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm.

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Does travel insurance cover cancellation due to Covid?

You’re covered for cancellation if: You’re certified as too ill to travel due to Covid-19 by a medical practitioner. You, a travelling companion, or the person you are staying with are required by a medical practitioner, a government body or health authority to self-isolate due to COVID-19.

Does travel insurance cover COVID-19?

Travel insurance that covers cancellation for COVID-19 usually covers you to cancel if you or a travelling companion get COVID-19. A ‘travelling companion’ may be defined as someone who is travelling at least 50% of the trip with you. Read the policy fine print to understand what that means for your cover. Mar 22, 2022

Can I cancel my travel insurance policy and get a refund?

POLICY CANCELLATION You are able to cancel the policy and receive a full refund as long as you have not travelled, no claim has been made or is intended to be made, and no incident likely to give rise to a claim has occurred.

What does AXA stand for?

AXA Acronym Definition AXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (also seen as JAXA) AXA Alpha Chi Alpha AXA Animal Crossing Ahead (online forum community/guide to the game Animal Crossing) AXA Antifactor Xa Activity (anesthesiology) 2 more rows

How do I cancel auto renewal on AXA?

If your policy renewal is due and you do not wish to continue with your cover please contact our Customer Service Centre on 02890 020104.

Does AXA auto renew insurance?

AXA will automatically renew your car insurance after a year – and often at a higher price. If you don’t want your car insurance to renew, you’ll need to let them know.

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What are the benefits of AXA?

AXA Savings & Investment. aXelerator. aXelerator plus. life basiX. … AcademiX. EDUCATIONAL PLANS. Education is the best gift we can give our children. … life basiX. life basiX plus. FlexiProtect. … Health Coverage. Global Health Access. Health Start. … Personal. Personal. Ease your worries and secure yourself and your family’s future.

What is AXA premium charge?

Premium Charge is 35% of your annual premium, charged for the first three (3) years if the product you purchased is aXelerator or academiX; and charged for the first five (5) years if the policy you purchased is Life BasiX. A 2% Premium Charge will also be deducted from all top-ups made.

What is AXA Metrobank?

AXA is a joint venture partnership between the Metrobank Group and the Paris-based AXA Group. Terms and conditions apply and for more information, visit or

How do I contact AXA Assistance?

Contact Information contact: Tel: 0800 028 3336 or +44 1737 815 023. Email:

How do I contact AXA by phone?

Make a claim online for your car insurance policy with AXA. Talk to us. If you’d rather speak to somebody, you can call our team: … 0330 024 1305. Outside the UK. If you’re calling from outside of the UK, please call: +44 (0)1217 520 685. If you’re making a new claim, you can call us: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm.