Do you have to declare diabetes to car insurance?

Do you have to declare diabetes to car insurance?

When applying for car insurance you must declare all ‘material facts’. Diabetes is a material fact, so you need to declare it.

Can insurance deny you for anxiety?

If the insurer discovers your anxiety, your application can be denied if you haven’t been approved for coverage yet. If your anxiety is discovered later, your insurer could cancel your coverage or raise your insurance premiums. Mar 1, 2022

Can a person with mental illness get life insurance?

Yes, you can get life insurance with bipolar disorder. You will have to answer some additional health questions specific to your mental health condition, including if your illness is under control and for how long. Jan 21, 2022

Is PTSD a psychological condition?

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, war/combat, or rape or who have been threatened with death, sexual violence or serious injury.

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What qualifies as a pre-existing condition?

A health problem, like asthma, diabetes, or cancer, you had before the date that new health coverage starts. Insurance companies can’t refuse to cover treatment for your pre-existing condition or charge you more.

Is pregnancy a pre-existing condition 2021?

Pregnancy cannot be considered a pre-existing condition and newborns, newly adopted children and children placed for adoption who are enrolled within 30 days cannot be subject to pre-existing condition exclusions.

Can I get private health cover with a pre-existing condition?

If you have pre-existing medical conditions, you can still get private health insurance. Please bear in mind that most policies restrict when they can pay to treat pre-existing conditions.

Can I travel after Covid vaccine?

Key takeaways: After you get your vaccine, you’ll still need to wear a mask when you travel. Although the risk of spreading COVID-19 is much lower after you’ve been vaccinated, it doesn’t go away completely. While the COVID-19 vaccines make travel much safer, it could be some time before we can travel normally again. Feb 24, 2022

Will I test positive for Covid after having it?

Unfortunately, many people can test positive for COVID-19 for weeks or even months, but there is good news: people are not likely to be contagious for that long, even if they test positive, and therefore are unlikely to transmit the virus to others. Oct 29, 2021

Will you test positive for Covid after recovery?

Research shows many individuals who recover from COVID-19 may continue testing positive for the virus for weeks to months, despite no longer being contagious.

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Do you still need to quarantine after vaccine?

You do not need to quarantine if you’ve been fully vaccinated unless you are feeling sick. Unvaccinated people need to quarantine regardless of whether or not they feel sick. Isolation is the term for what you do when you have a confirmed COVID infection, even if you do not have symptoms. Dec 20, 2021

Should you fly after getting COVID?

Do not travel until a full 5 days after your last close contact with the person with COVID-19. It is best to avoid travel for a full 10 days after your last exposure.

Do I have to wait 2 weeks after COVID vaccine?

A person is fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving all recommended doses in the primary series of their COVID-19 vaccination. A person is up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination if they have received all recommended doses in the primary series and one booster when eligible.

Does Canada accept tourists?

Travellers are eligible to enter or return to Canada if they qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller.

What happens if you get Covid while traveling?

If you or someone in your immediate travelling party tests positive for COVID-19, you should isolate immediately and contact the local health authority for advice on what to do. You should also contact your airline or travel provider to reschedule your travel plans and seek advice from your travel insurer. Jan 11, 2022