Windsor’s fire-displaced tenants frustrated with class action settlement delay

If a settlement isn’t reached by mid-December, Strosberg said their next step is to get a judge to order Westcourt Place owners access to a busway electrical panel in the building’s sub-basement where the fire started, allowing them to cut it open to obtain further evidence for the case.
“I’m never confident until I have a signed agreement,” said Strosberg. “Insurance companies march to the beat of their own drummer.”
“It’s frustrating,” added Diane Khoury. “We hear they wanted a settlement by the end of December or the New Year’s, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.”
Khoury is among the 135 tenants involved in the class action suit. According to CBC, 200 tenants in total were displaced by the fire in Westcourt Place, which took place in November 2019.
Residents have already moved their belongings out of the building or allowed Westcourt Place to place their items in storage, Khoury told CBC, adding that she and others have yet to terminate their leases, meaning they could move back into the building without a rent increase.
Joann Mauro, an employee at 837690 Ontario Ltd, the numbered company that owns Westcourt Place, said that a contractor is still working inside the building.
“That’s the only thing I can tell you,” Mauro told CBC. “He’s still working on what has to be fixed up and hopefully should be finished soon.”
No court dates have been set for the class action suit, which was certified by a London, Ontario judge back in February 2022. At that time, the owners of Westcourt Place said they were pleased to move “one step closer to bringing the litigation to an end.”