What is the birthday rule?

What is the birthday rule?

• Birthday Rule: This is a method used to determine when a plan is primary or secondary for a dependent child when covered by both parents’ benefit plan. The parent whose birthday (month and day only) falls first in a calendar year is the parent with the primary coverage for the dependent.

What is basic car insurance called?

Basic car insurance is often known as liability insurance. Requirements vary by state, but basic auto insurance can be broken down into two main types of liability insurance: personal injury and property damage. Dec 23, 2020

How do I choose the best car insurance?

How to choose the right car insurance policy in India Know your needs. … Compare the plans. … Ask about the add-ons. … Check the claim process. … Know about the claim settlement ratio of the insurer. … Never provide any wrong information. … Be aware of the policy terms and conditions. … Final word. Jun 23, 2020

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Is it OK to let my friend drive my car?

Whether uninsured, underinsured or an insured driver, if someone is an accident while driving your vehicle, you could be put in a bad situation, so be guarded about letting other people drive your vehicle. Don’t let just anyone drive your car. Make sure they are a trustworthy driver and have a good driving record.

Can someone drive my car with my permission?

Can I get insurance for anyone to drive my car? An any driver insurance policy allows anyone to drive your car at any time. There’s no limit to how many people can drive the car, so any friends or family, who have your permission, are legally insured to drive it. May 29, 2020

Can my boyfriend drive my car?

“You can let your boyfriend drive your car on occasion. As long as he has your permission to drive your car, your car insurance will likely cover him. But if he gets into an at-fault accident and the costs of the accident exceed your coverage limits, you’ll be responsible for any remaining balance.

What are the 2 types of insurance?

There are two broad types of insurance: Life Insurance. General Insurance. Oct 22, 2021

What are the main types of insurance?

Following are some of the types of general insurance available in India: Health Insurance. Motor Insurance. Home Insurance. Fire Insurance. Travel Insurance.

How many insurance types are there?

Broadly, there are 8 types of insurance, namely: Life Insurance. Motor insurance. Health insurance.

Can I drive my dad’s car?

You must be properly insured if you drive on the public road, no matter how short the distance, even if your parents have given their permission for you to drive the car, and even if they have their own insurance policy covering the vehicle.

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Are parents liable for a child that has a car accident and the car is in the parents name?

Generally, the parent is not liable automatically for the car accident caused by their children. However, a parent or guardian may be liable if there is a failure to supervise the child, the parent was negligent in entrusting the car to the child, and when the car was used under the family purpose doctrine. Oct 16, 2020

Can I put my daughter on my car insurance?

My 18 year old has just passed their driving test, can I add them to my car insurance? In a word – yes. Your 18 year old can be added to the family car insurance policy. Make sure you and your 18 year old are clear about who’s in the driving seat most of the time though. Oct 30, 2019

Can you lose your licence for letting someone drive your car?

For example, if a younger driver, or someone new to driving, receives the six to eight driving penalty points as well as a fine for the offence of allowing someone to drive their vehicle without insurance, they could face losing their driving licence. Aug 3, 2018

What is the maximum fine for driving without insurance?

What is the maximum fine for driving without insurance? There is no maximum fine for driving without insurance, because the fine can be unlimited. Nov 6, 2019

How long do the police have to charge you for driving without insurance?

You have seven days from the time the police caught you without an insurance certificate to produce one at a police station, otherwise you may be charged.

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