What are brokers looking for in construction insurance partners?

What are brokers looking for in construction insurance partners? | Insurance Business Canada
Construction & Engineering
What are brokers looking for in construction insurance partners?
Brokers praise one company for its client-centric approach
Construction & Engineering
Mika Pangilinan
Insurance Business Canada recently released its 2023 list of the best insurance companies for construction.
This year’s 5-Star Construction winners emerged from a nationwide survey of brokers, where respondents identified the top criteria they consider when selecting a carrier to partner with.
A common response was a client-centric approach, with brokers in the survey pointing to HDI Canada as a prime example.
But aside from its focus on prioritizing clients’ needs, HDI Canada was also praised by brokers for its expertise and high standards across a range of crucial metrics, namely coverage, service to brokers, and underwriting experience.
Bassem Mesallam, HDI Canada’s head of construction and engineering, said the company has always been focused on solutions and advising clients because “we know construction is a complex line of business, and the requirements can vary significantly.”
“Our clients and brokers need good advice, assessments, and an understanding of the risks, so we focus on providing that package of technical expertise, customer service, and risk management,” said Mesallam.
HDI Canada’s reputation is bolstered by its global network, which provides clients with vast resources.
As part of HDI’s global operations, which span 50 offices and serve clients in over 150 countries, the company has an expansive team of approximately 25,000 professionals, including risk engineers and industry experts who are well-versed in the unique challenges facing construction clients.
Providing clients with such expertise has proven even more critical amid the sector’s ongoing troubles with inflation, supply chain disruptions, and labour shortages.
“As we’re dealing with those challenges, we try to be more creative in our solutions,” said Mesallam. “With inflation, for example, we educate our clients to ensure that no one is under-insured.”
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