Westland continues national expansion with new acquisitions

Westland continues national expansion with new acquisitions

Westland continues national expansion with new acquisitions | Insurance Business Canada

Insurance News

Westland continues national expansion with new acquisitions

Acquired firms are in Ontario and New Brunswick

Insurance News

Mika Pangilinan

Westland Insurance continues its national expansion with the acquisition of two brokerages, Hubbard Insurance Group and Assurance B. Belliveau Insurance Inc.

Ontario-based Hubbard Insurance Group has been around for 35 years. It comprises two divisions: Hubbard Insurance Brokers, a P&C brokerage focused on commercial insurance, and Hubbard Financial Services, which offers group benefits, life insurance, and group disability solutions.

Assurance Belliveau Insurance has been serving Dieppe, New Brunswick for over three decades as a multi-generational family business. It offers a wide range of personal and commercial solutions.

With the addition of Hubbard, Westland strengthens its commercial lines expertise, as well as its rapidly growing group benefits vertical.

At the same time, Assurance Belliveau helps Westland expand its presence in Atlantic Canada.

“We’re extremely pleased to have found such fantastic partners in Hubbard Insurance Group and Assurance B. Belliveau Insurance,” said Westland president and CEO Jamie Lyons. “We’re excited to be able to serve more communities in Eastern Canada as we welcome these best-in-class brokerages to the Westland family.”

Westland’s latest acquisitions comes after it swooped for Andrew Agencies Ltd, a full-service insurance and financial services firm operating across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

Announcing the deal last month, Lyons said Andrew Agencies introduces “deep capabilities in P&C insurance, as well as life insurance and financial services” as Westland continues its expansion in Central Canada.

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Westland has sad it will continue to invest in growing its presence across Canada, both organically and through strategic acquisitions. 

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