Volunteers who help develop careers applauded

Volunteers who help develop careers applauded

Authored by CII

Insurance professionals and financial planners who have excelled in helping peers develop their careers were applauded at the Volunteer Awards.

Jonathan Clark, interim CEO of the Chartered Insurance Institute, and David Ross, Vice President of Local Institutes, handed out glass trophies and certificates to Local Institutes and Personal Finance Society Regional Committee volunteers who have gone above and beyond in continuing to offer members professional development and networking opportunities.

Distinguished Service Awards, recognising an individuals’ outstanding dedication and significant contribution to their own Local Institute or Personal Finance Society regional committee in areas such as training, development, professionalism, and commitment to the local proposition, were presented to the Insurance Institute of Cheltenham & Gloucester’s Simon McGill, the Insurance Institute of Aberdeen’s Debbie Mitchell, Hants & Dorset Personal Finance Society Regional Committee’s and the Insurance Institute Southampton’s Ed Morrell, Insurance Institute of London’s Gemma Henderson and the Insurance Institute of Aberdeen’s and Personal Finance Society Regional Committee Scotland North’s Alan Whittle.

Mr McGill, who is UK Schemes Development Manager for Ecclesiastical as well as Education Lead for the Insurance Institute of Cheltenham & Gloucester, improved the institute’s CPD and educational offering as well as introduced talks on health and wellbeing.

He has also been responsible for implementing and driving a very effective social media presence to promote the work of the local institute.

Ms Henderson, who is a specialist insurance recruiter and Chair of her Local Institute’s young members’ committee, won plaudits for her work to increase engagement among those in the early stages of their career, while Mr Morrell, an adviser at 2Plan Wealth Management, was applauded by his Local Institute’s members for being a “superhero” whose education programme held more than 50 exam revision days covering all financial planning units last year. 

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Mr Whittle, director of Unburdened Solutions is Education Secretary and Vice President of his Local Institute and Regional Committee, won his award for creating unprecedented amounts of online CPD throughout 2020 and 2021, developing close links with a local university and helping identify as well as achieve improvements to CII exam delivery during the pandemic.

Ms Mitchell, director of Atholl Scott Financial Services Ltd as well as National Forum Officer Dinner Secretary, picked up her glass trophy and certificate at the Volunteer Awards ceremony, sponsored by Aviva and held in Birmingham, for ensuring regional insurance views and financial planning matters are at the heart of everything the Chartered Insurance Institute does to help professionals develop their skills and knowledge.

Exceptional Service Awards, recognising those who have exceeded the requirements of a role at a regional or national level by becoming champions for their Local Institute or Personal Finance Society Regional Committee as well as great advocates for the insurance and personal finance profession, were presented to The Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow’s Ruth Murray and the Insurance Institute of Northern Ireland’s Brian Caruth.

Mr Caruth, Vice President of his Local Institute as well as National Forum Officer, won his award for more than half a century of service to his Local Institute, plus his many years organising of charitable lunches that contributed to Northern Ireland achieving the Insurance Charities Shield in 2019.

Ms Murray, client director of Aon as well as Secretary of her Local Institute, picked up the prize for developing relationships with key organisations across Glasgow to encourage fresh talent to enter the profession plus her support of an extremely successful mentor scheme.  

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Jonathan Clark, interim CEO of the Chartered Insurance Institute, said: “By sharing their experiences and helping their peers learn new skills via our 56 Local Institutes, 26 Personal Finance Society Regional Committees and five membership societies, run by CII and PFS members on a voluntary basis, these individuals are driving positive change in the profession and raising public trust in the power of insurance and financial planning to change lives for the better.

“Volunteering supports your professional development, including improving confidence, strategic thinking and leadership skills, and I applaud the individuals who picked up prizes for the thousands of hours they have given, free of charge, contributing to the reputation and influence of the CII, Personal Finance Society and wider profession.

“I am immensely proud to be CEO of a professional body where thousands of members give back to each other, reinforcing the values we have as a profession.”