Video from ILS NYC 2024: Final ILS market expert panel discussion

Artemis ILS NYC 2024 panel 5

This video features the final insurance-linked securities (ILS) expert panel of the day at our Artemis ILS NYC 2024 conference, which was held in New York on February 9th 2024.

ILS NYC 2024 was Artemis’ largest insurance-linked securities (ILS) conference to-date, with over 410 registered attendees enjoying insightful debates from our expert speakers, as well as valuable networking opportunities throughout the day.

Attendees came from over 30 countries around the globe with more than 150 organisations represented, to hear thought-provoking insights from catastrophe bond and insurance-linked securities (ILS) market leaders, all under the theme of “Growing into the higher return environment.”

Our next conference is in Singapore on July 11th. Register soon if you want to attend.

This fifth video from our ILS NYC 2024 conference features the final panel discussion of the day, with some of our expert moderators from the conference and a few guests.

The panel discussion was moderated by Steve Evans, Artemis owner and Editor-in-Chief.

He was joined by: Joanna Syroka, Director of New Markets, Fermat Capital Management; Alex Mican, Head of PCS Global Strategy and Growth, Verisk Insurance Solutions; Michael Stahel, Partner / Portfolio Manager, LGT ILS Partners Ltd.; and Mike Millette, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Hudson Structured Capital Management Ltd.

With such depth of sector knowledge and expertise on stage, it was left to these moderators and guests to sum up their feelings on the future for catastrophe bonds and insurance-linked securities (ILS), while also exploring the future role of the capital market in reinsurance.

Watch the full video to benefit from the insurance-linked securities (ILS) insight and expertise shared by our panellists.

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There is still time to register for Artemis’ next conference, ILS Asia 2024 in Singapore on July 11th. Get your ticket to attend soon.

All of our Artemis Live video interviews have a focus on reinsurance, ILS and the efficiency of risk transfer and can be accessed directly from our Artemis Live page.

You can also listen in audio to these interviews by subscribing to the Artemis Live podcast here.

Our conferences provide exposure in front of a highly relevant, senior and specialised group of attendees. Plus you’ll benefit from exposure in front of our entire global readership, which averages more than 60,000 individuals every month.

For all enquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities for future Artemis events please contact [email protected].

Our conference sponsors for ILS NYC 2024 can be seen below. We thank them all for their valued support:

ILS NYC 2024 sponsors

For all enquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities for future Artemis events please contact [email protected].

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