Video from Artemis London 2022. Session 7: Catastrophe bond evolution

Artemis London 2022 - Catastrophe bond evolution

The seventh session at our Artemis London 2022 conference featured a panel of experts speaking about the future evolution of the catastrophe bond, potential niche use-cases for the cat bond structure, and more generally how catastrophe bond and insurance-linked securities (ILS) activity can expand its remit.

This video is of the seventh session from our Artemis London 2022 conference, held on September 6th, 2022 and our first insurance-linked securities (ILS) market conference ever held in the city.

More than 240 attendees from around the world enjoyed a wide-range of informative and thought-provoking sessions and networking opportunities at the conference.

Themed largely around the catastrophe bond, attendees heard from expert speakers that have been in the sector for years, as well as newcomers with ideas of how to innovate the cat bond and ILS market going forwards.

This seventh video from the event features a panel discussion around the future evolution of the catastrophe bond marketplace and asks what comes next?.

The panel discussion was moderated by Guillaume Courtet, Portfolio Manager ILS, Schroders. He was joined by: Adam Bornstein, Lead, Innovative Finance & Systems Change, Danish Red Cross; Brian Kirwan, General Manager, Europe, Vesttoo; and Mike Rich, Head ILS, Commodities & Environmental Strategies, K2 Advisors.

The discussion focused on where the panellists feel there is potential for the catastrophe bond and also broader insurance-linked securities (ILS) market to expand its scope.

The panellists also discussed potential niche use-cases for catastrophe bonds, including real-world examples of the evolution of the cat bond and ILS structure, from their own experiences.

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Watch the full video of this evolution of the catastrophe bond focused panel discussion for more insights into the potential for the ILS market to continue expanding its remit. The video is also embedded below.

Tickets are selling fast for our next ILS market conference. Artemis ILS NYC 2023 will be held on February 10th in New York City, register online today.

The video of this conference session from Artemis London 2022 is embedded below and can also be viewed in full, along with previous Artemis Live video interviews, over on our YouTube channel.

You can also listen in audio to all of our interviews by subscribing to the Artemis Live podcast here.

All of our Artemis Live video interviews have a focus on reinsurance, ILS and the efficiency of risk transfer and can be accessed directly from our Artemis Live page.

You can also listen in audio to these interviews by subscribing to the Artemis Live podcast here.

Thank you to all of the kind sponsors of our Artemis London 2022 conference for their support.

For all enquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities at future Artemis events, including the upcoming ILS NYC 2023 conference, please contact us.

Artemis London ILS conference 2022

Sponsorship opportunities are available for future Artemis conferences, so please do get in touch to discuss these: [email protected].

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