Travel insurer launches API-driven insurtech platform

Travel insurer launches API-driven insurtech platform

battleface has rolled out a new tech-driven platform as a service to support insurance carriers, brokers, managing general agents (MGAs), and self-insured enterprise partners with their travel insurance needs.

Called Robin Assist, the global API-driven insurtech platform is designed to support travel insurance via:

multi-lingual 24/7 customer support
claims handling
emergency medical evacuation and travel assistance
medical case management
global medical and cost containment networks
immediate payments in over 140 currencies
integrated API-driven tech behind partner brands for policy and claims management

“battleface was born out of emergency travel and medical assistance, where we saw the need for tech-driven products to deliver relevant services for today’s travellers,” CEO Sasha Gainullin said. “With the launch of Robin Assist, our team will continue to deliver the same level of excellent service that our customers currently experience, supporting travel insurance brands globally.”

After the initial launch, battleface will make the insurtech platform publicly available for easy product creation, rate management, policy fulfillment, country and state specific compliance, worldwide distribution, and out-of-the-box affiliation and partnership management.

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