The Best Guide for Non-Owner Car Insurance 2022

The Best Guide for Non-Owner Car Insurance 2022

Auto insurance is only mandatory if you own and drive a car. So, if you don’t have a car, you aren’t legally required to have insurance. But there are instances in which having some form of coverage such as non owner auto insurance is important. These include: 

Frequently Borrowing Cars

You could be at fault for an accident when you’re regularly driving a friend’s or a colleagues’ car. Normally, their car insurance would bear the cost of the accident. But there can be instances in which the costs exceed the coverage limits. In such a situation, you could end up paying for the remainder from your own pocket. And that could leave quite a dent in your finances. Non owner car insurance will help you cover the exceeded amount. 

Utilize Regular Car Rentals

If you travel frequently and makes use of local car rentals, a non owner policy can be very beneficial. Since you’re driving an unfamiliar car in an unfamiliar location, your chances of a driving mishap may be a bit higher. Having non owner insurance can give you the necessary coverage for any post-accident expenses. Also, if you rent frequently, you could get a non owner insurance policy that costs less than a liability policy. Of course, you would need to check with your insurance provider and the rental company.

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You Have a Lapse In Coverage

Say you end up not driving for a significant time due to an injury, or you end up selling your car. This would lead to a “lapse in cov.” Insurers see this as a risk and could raise your rates because you haven’t operated a vehicle for a while. Since non owner car insurance is cheaper than standard auto insurance, it’s a good substitute coverage while you’re not actively driving a vehicle but plan to get auto insurance in the future. Opting for this would be cheaper than skipping coverage and paying higher rates later on.