Tasmanian Government extends flood grants

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Tasmanian Government extends flood grants

13 February 2023

The Tasmanian state government has opened grants for private homeowners and not-for-profit sport and recreational organisations damaged by floods last October.

Private landowners and leaseholders will have access to $10,000 for costs associated with cleaning debris and property repairs, with applications closing on March 3.

Organisations that fit the requirements for the Sport and Recreation Recovery Grant program will be able to take out grants of up to $25,000 to assist with recovery costs. Applications for this program close on March 27.

The extended grants come as part of a $15 million flood recovery project, which the Commonwealth and Tasmanian governments will jointly fund.

The state government has provided $800,000 per the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements to support individuals, businesses, non-profit organisations and primary producers following the flooding event last year.

“It is important to support affected communities in their recovery phase and we have always said that we’ll be there for our flood-affected communities when they need us,” State Development, Construction and Housing Minister Guy Barnett said.

“We’ve listened to our local communities, and we have developed these additional grant programs as a direct result of the conversations we’ve had with them.”

Click here for more information on the recovery program.

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