Successful brokerage leverages social media to win talent

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According to Glassdoor, Zensurance scored an impressive 4.3 stars out of five across 84 employee reviews. Many of the employee reviews call the company a “fantastic place to work,” with the “best culture and people” they have met. Some have even mentioned that Zensurance is a “great place to begin your career.”
But good work culture is not something that a company can just say it has, and then magically attract talent. Zensurance had to show it had actual culture to appeal to young talent, and it turned to the non-traditional approach – social media – to get the word through.
In 2019, the company hired its 50th employee. To commemorate the event, Zensurance posted a fun picture of all its staff on LinkedIn, to raise awareness of what working in the insurance industry is like. What the company did not expect at that time was that the photo would be shared with as many as 23,000 people, and it generated 2,500 clicks to a link back to the company’s career page.
“They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. Let’s be honest, in today’s day and age, with the advent of the internet and social media, pictures are worth a lot more than just words,” said Trevor McIntosh, current vice president of operations and former head of talent and culture at the time of the 50th employee milestone.
“After we posted this photo, the outpouring of support from our friends and family in the industry was amazing. But what was really insightful to me as somebody who’s working in talent acquisition, is that we very strategically included a link to our career page in this post, with a call to action for people to join us and to come and learn more about what we have to offer at Zensurance. 2,500 people clicked on that link, just from a simple post.”
“We always knew we had great culture, so we really wanted to understand how we can use our culture as a tool to acquire the best talent. Stage one was really defining the company’s values as they’re critical to establishing your workplace culture,” McIntosh said. “Next, we wanted to use those values to promote our culture online, and eventually attract talent that will align with our values.”