Steadfast executives to dive with sharks to battle childhood cancer

Steadfast executives to dive with sharks to battle childhood cancer

Steadfast executives to dive with sharks to battle childhood cancer | Insurance Business Australia

Insurance News

Steadfast executives to dive with sharks to battle childhood cancer

Twenty children are diagnosed per week, executive reveals

Insurance News

Roxanne Libatique

Steadfast Group executives Robert B. Kelly (founder, managing director, and CEO) and Nigel Fitzgerald (COO) will join the CEO Dare to Cure fundraising event.

The event will see Kelly and Fitzgerald dive into shark-infested water without a cage as part of raising funds for childhood cancer. All funds raised will be donated to Children’s Cancer Institute’s efforts to cure childhood cancer.

“The idea of taking a plunge into shark-infested waters isn’t exactly relaxing. But it’s more than worth it for such an incredible cause,” Kelly said. “Every week, 20 children are diagnosed with cancer, which kills more children than any other disease. That is heartbreaking. Those aren’t just statistics – each diagnosis represents a family that has had some of the worst news imaginable.”

“While this is a one-off dare for me, many brave kids face their fears and fight a vicious battle every day. The research funded through CEO Dare to Cure can be life-changing, and that’s what this challenge is about.”

Curing childhood cancer

Children’s Cancer Institute is the only independent medical research institute in Australia wholly dedicated to curing childhood cancer and pioneering safer treatments for children through medical research.

“The cutting-edge research the CEO Dare to Cure funds can help protect more children and families from such an ordeal,” Fitzgerald said.

Further commenting on the event, Fitzgerald said: “This is certainly a different type of shark tank to those typically associated with the business world. Diving with sharks is daunting, but nothing can compare with the ordeal of cancer treatment for children who have their whole life ahead of them.

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“With $5,000, we can fund minimal residual testing for two children with leukemia to detect their risk of relapse. Every donation makes a difference, and the generosity of people in our industry already heartens me.”

The CEO Dare to Cure will be held on Friday at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.

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