Special Episode: Seeking quality premium in motion with Madhu Tadikonda, President, Corvus Insurance

Special Episode: Seeking quality premium in motion with Madhu Tadikonda, President, Corvus Insurance

Friday Feb 04, 2022

Corvus Insurance is a young business that is moving so fast that to those of us looking in from the outside could be forgiven for seeing something of a blur.

For instance, should we look at this business as a specialist cyber underwriter or should we see a cyber technology provider or indeed a much broader data-driven insurtech company that is class-agnostic?

The answer is probably a blend of all three.

That’s why it’s so valuable to speak to someone of the calibre of Madhu Tadikonda, Corvus’s President.

As a tech entrepreneur who then rose rapidly to become AIG’s Global Chief Underwriting Officer, Madhu has had a stellar insurance career of his own before joining up with Corvus last year.

In this really lively podcast I get Madhu to explain all of the moving parts within Corvus and distil the common themes.

In doing so we get a front-row view of the challenges and opportunities facing the cyber market, run through the rationale behind Corvus’s recent acquisition of cyber MGA Tarian Underwriting and look into what other classes are catching this progressive business’s eye.

I’d say what really makes Corvus tick is a real affinity for the fastest growing insurance classes where client need, demand and opportunity are greatest.

This is then coupled with the realisation that the most important risks of the future are becoming much more dynamic and that the most successful underwriters of tomorrow are going to have to be much faster learners than their predecessors and be much more engaged and helpful to their customers.

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Almost paradoxically Corvus looks very much like an ultra-traditional insurance business…
except that its way of going about things is anything but!

It’s fascinating stuff.
