Special Episode: Introducing McKenzie Intelligence Services with founder Forbes McKenzie

Special Episode: Introducing McKenzie Intelligence Services with founder Forbes McKenzie

Friday Apr 09, 2021

Today’s guest is an amazing person with an incredibly interesting story to tell.

After 10 years in the British military and distinguished service in Iraq, Forbes McKenzie was determined to apply the skills he had learned in military intelligence in the civilian world.

A decade and lots of hard work later, McKenzie Intelligence Services (MIS) is bringing real-time intelligence to bear on natural disasters and manmade events alike and has won a major tender to provide its services across the Lloyd’s market.

As Forbes describes in the podcast, users of the firm’s GEO platform are improving reserving estimates by 93%, cutting claims overheads by 40% and this is making an average 2 percentage point improvement to loss ratios.

Here we talk about the art of blending multiple data sources to provide insights that insurers can use instantly.

But because this is such a cutting-edge business we get to look into the future and a world of really smart, really focused artificial intelligence, instant straight through claims payments, hugely expanded parametric insurance and the future of exposure management.

Forbes is excellent company and has a great way of turning complicated ideas into simple and understandable insights that you can use to improve the way you go about your business today.


Mckenzie Intelligence Services (MIS)


Twitter: @McKenzie_Int

Forbes McKenzie LinkedIn:
(Connect and ask him how he came to be mentioned in dispatches in Iraq)

Twitter: @forbesmckenzie

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