Sp Ep Guillaume Bonnissent of Quotech: Solving pain points you didn't know you had

Sp Ep Guillaume Bonnissent of Quotech: Solving pain points you didn't know you had

12 minutes ago

Today’s guest is one of the most remarkable and exceptional people I have had on the show.

Guillaume Bonnissent is the CEO of Quotech, a business he founded just over four years ago.

With over 20 years in underwriting Guillaume can boast one of the most eclectic resumés of any of his peers.

He’s written almost every class going, via almost every distribution channel in the insurance value chain, spanning specialist insurance, treaty reinsurance, portfolio underwriting and an MGA.

This gives him a unique perspective on the needs of underwriters of all shapes and sizes, and indeed brokers too.

But the really remarkable bit is that he has always been a technologist. He learned coding as part of a business degree and has kept his skills up to date.

This meant that when in his last role he was looking for some software that it turned out didn’t exist, he was able to write a prototype version of what he needed himself.

The tool worked and he quickly saw the potential for a new software business and Quotech was born.

It’s a remarkable story which is really all about giving teams everything they need to do their jobs better.

It’s a very rare story of software made by an underwriter for underwriters.

In this podcast we’ll certainly learn all about Guillaume’s original inventions, which are being adopted by some very influential market businesses, but we’ll also have a really deep and far-ranging discussion about the long-term consequences of digitisation and artificial intelligence on the insurance value chain.

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Guillaume is a real London Market original and I found it really easy and fun to talk to him. Listen on and I think you will find it as enlightening and enjoyable as I did.

Quotech https://quotech.io/