Remote Working – How to Stay Motivated and Organised

There has been a lot of advice about how to balance working from home and keeping your personal life separate. Here are some tips that could help you stay motivated and be organised.

Getting the right mindset.

Some people find it helpful to go for a short walk before starting work and returning home as if you were going to the office.

Others may find it works for them to get their morning coffee or tea in place ready to start work.

Wear comfortable clothes but smart enough for an unexpected Zoom/Teams call.

Create boundaries between work and home.

Make sure you have one area that is not for work, for instance your bedroom. That area is designated for sleeping, relaxing and reading only. We all need to switch off and relax in an area that doesn’t have any connection with work or the physical reminders of it, like laptops or paperwork.

If you have the room, try and change your working area to different rooms now and again. A fresh perspective gives you a chance to be more positive and creative.

If you have to share a space for work like the dining or kitchen table, make sure you clear it at the end of the working day and return it to a home setting. Using flowers or a nice ornament can help remind you that work has finished for the day and it’s time to relax.

Cooperating with others working from home too.

Our partners or children may have to be working from home too so it is good to communicate if there are any meetings that will need to take priority for space or location.

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When we are flexible and prepared to give each other space, this leads to a calm environment which we all need. We have all seen the viral clips where interruptions are funny to watch, but we don’t want to be part of them!

Get creative!

With a little thought, we can make work zones that we enjoy working in. Have you a walk-in cupboard that you can adapt into a mini office? Remember the power of house plants to brighten up the area or a picture on the desk.

Are you able to work outside when the weather permits? Does your Wi-Fi extend to a summerhouse in your garden?

At the end of the day, you need decide what meets your criteria for a successful workspace and then work out how to implement it. There are so many benefits for getting the work and home life balance right. What works for you?

Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any additional tips.

All the best,

Gary Pike

Founder & MD

Right International Insurance Headhunters