Putting women at the forefront

Putting women at the forefront

IB TV recently chatted with Gavlick about her experience as a woman in insurance, and how she thinks the industry is progressing in its quest for better representation.

Gavlick said she didn’t feel that her gender had been a roadblock to her success in the industry.

“I’ve, lots of times, been the only woman at a table. I have, lots of times, been the youngest person or the youngest woman at a table,” she said. “And so, you know, I kind of prepare the same way I’ve always prepared – overprepared. I come into meetings nine times out of 10 over-prepared. I always raise my hand for opportunities. I always know if there’s something that needs to be done, I’ll jump in and execute. So have there been challenges? Sure, but I looked at those challenges the same, whether I was working amongst a group of women or working amongst a group of men.”

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While Gavlick said those challenges were real, she felt the industry was making impressive strides to address them.

“We’ve come a long way. I mean, I think we can all agree that if you look at the landscape five, 10, 15, 20 years ago, it looks a lot different from a demographic perspective as far as women in the workforce overall,” she said. “I can tell you that I’ve been really fortunate, and I think that’s maybe why I haven’t had those challenges that I always get asked about. I’ve worked for companies that have really put women at the forefront. …

“I sit at the table when we talk about equal pay. I sit at the table when we review salary ranges, and I’ve seen changes be made in favor of women. So I know we’re making strides as an organization, as an industry. … We’re really working together to hold all of ourselves accountable, to really put that at the forefront. And I think we’re doing a good job.”

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Watch the full interview here.