Pool Re Podcast Episode 5: Dr Martin Gallagher – Terrorism and Organised Crime in "the Age of the Individual"

Pool Re Podcast Episode 5: Dr Martin Gallagher - Terrorism and Organised Crime in "the Age of the Individual"

Dr. Martin Gallagher is a former Superintendent with Police Scotland. His policing career spanned three decades, encompassing periods both in uniform roles and many years as a detective, where he focussed on intelligence activities and the investigation of serious crime. He was formerly Area Commander of Paisley, Scotland’s largest town, and during his policing career received 3 commendations for personal bravery. Dr. Gallagher holds a PhD in Criminology, Masters Degrees in Terrorism Studies and Criminal Justice Studies, and a Degree in Philosophy. He has over 50 publications, and writes on a variety of topics including terrorism, organised crime, leadership and police technology. He has also been a guest speaker at numerous conferences, including on behalf of UNODC and International Centre for Counter Terrorism (ICCT) – The Hague.

In this episode we talk through some of the following themes: the links between serious organised crime and terrorism globally and in the UK, terrorism funding, crime and the IRA, is terrorism terrorism? the age of the individual; Ukraine and the availability of weapons in the UK, drugs and terrorism, and the sixth wave of terrorism.

Listen to the Podcast HERE

Note: This episode was recorded on 5th October 2023, prior to the start of the Israel-Hamas conflict on 7th October 2023

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