Over the last year, you have told us that you are not always getting the service you need from insurers.

Following our collaboration with Gracechurch, the Insurer Service Survey  has begun and some of you will have already been invited to complete the survey.

We want to see an independent objective measure of the service delivered by insurers to customers via insurance brokers and for this to become the most robust and reliable market survey on service that the leading insurers use to identify areas for service improvement.

But for this to happen we need YOUR input.

We cannot raise the bar on service without your help. 

This is top priority for you and for BIBA which is why I am personally asking you to complete the survey if you have not already done so and look out for an email with your own unique survey link if you have not yet received it.

It’s important that we gather the views of all relevant people in member firms so please let us know who are the people that interact with insurers in your firm are so their opinions can be included.

Do contact us with details of those whose views should be included  or email Gracechurch at –  UKBrokerSurvey@gracechurchconsulting.co.uk  and they will send each person their unique survey link.

The post Our survey needs you appeared first on British Insurance Brokers' Association.

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