Origin story: NIBA’s foundation in 1982

Origin story: NIBA's foundation in 1982

The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA), the peak body for Australia’s intermediated insurance industry, was founded more than 40 years ago. A NIBA representative told IB that its foundation was the result of two organisations joining forces: the Cofederation of Insurance Brokers of Australia (CIBAust) and the Insurance Brokers Association (IBA).

Now, Insurance Business is exploring the origins of Australia’s most important representative body for insurance brokers.

NIBA’s founders

Back in 1982, Robin Nisbet (pictured above) – director of Sydney based Armstrong Nisbet Group – was a founding director of NIBA.

“In their wisdom, my fellow brokers elected myself and Robert Kelly, who now heads up Steadfast, to join the originating board of NIBA,” he said. “Establishing NIBA was very important because it enabled us to speak as one in representations to government and the ICA [Insurance Council of Australia] and to promote standards, values, ethics and a Code of Conduct for Australian brokers.”

He said NIBA’s formation marked a turning point for Australia’s insurance industry. Nisbet also said its foundation was also about recognising the value of insurance broker contributions to clients and acknowledgement of that by the community and government. 

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