Massive fire engulfs Saskatoon condo

Massive fire engulfs Saskatoon condo

Twenty-three of the 24 suites were occupied at the time of the fire, CBC News reported. Only one person was assessed for injuries on the scene but no one was hospitalized as a result of the fire. However, four vehicles were damaged.

According to fire chief Morgan Hackl, the accidental fire originated in the northwest corner of the ground floor when a plastic container was used as an ashtray. In addition to the improper disposal of smoking material, he said modern construction materials had exacerbated the severity of the fire.

“A structure, which has vinyl siding, lots of different glulam and oriented strand board material that has glue content in it: When fire catches onto that product it moves very quickly; it burns very hot,” Hackl told reporters.

CBC News reported the roof of the building was completely engulfed in flames, with damages to cost around $5 million. Other surrounding buildings on 108th Street were also evacuated and the road was closed to traffic.

Maj. Mike Hoeft, area commander for the Salvation Army Saskatchewan, also told CBC News that the organization had arranged temporary shelter for the 12 displaced families until further support from insurers comes in.

“We work with the fire department for whatever the need may be, whether that’s accommodation or temporary lodging or meals,” Hoeft said.

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