Marsh McLennan elects board of directors

Marsh McLennan identifies board of directors

Marsh McLennan stockholders re-elected the entire slate of 2022 director nominees at their annual meeting Wednesday. The directors will serve a one-year term on the company’s board, expiring at next year’s annual meeting.

The directors elected at Wednesday’s meeting are:

Anthony K. Anderson
Hafize Gaye Erkan
Oscar Fanjul
Daniel S. Glaser
H. Edward Hanway
Deborah C. Hopkins
Tamara Ingram
Jane H. Lute
Steven A. Mills
Bruce P. Nolop
Morton O. Schapiro
Lloyd M. Yates
R. David Yost

Marc D. Oken, who has been a director since 2006, is retiring from the board and did not seek re-election.

“On behalf of Marsh McLennan, I want to thank Marc for his many contributions to the company over the last 16 years,” said Glaser, who also serves as president and CEO of the company. “His financial expertise and wise counsel had a significant impact on Marsh McLennan’s trajectory. We thank him for his service.”

Stockholders also ratified the selection of Deloitte & Touche as Marsh McLennan’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2022. They also approved, by a nonbinding vote, the compensation of the company’s named executives.


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