MADD Canada teams up with MPI for auto campaign

MADD Canada  teams up with MPI for auto campaign

MADD Canada and MPI Bring Anti Impaired Driving Program to Manitoba Students.

In a Press release distributed by GlobeNewswire, MADD Canada revealed it is bringing its latest School Program about the dangers of impaired driving to Manitoba middle and high schools.

MADD Canada and provincial sponsor Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) noted that they marking the provincial tour of Final Play, the 2022-2023 School Program, with a special screening for students at College St. Norbert Collegiate in Winnipeg. MPI is directly sponsoring 118 screenings of Final Play this year.

Media are welcome to attend the screening and speak with special guests, students and staff.

Date: March 8 at 1:30 p.m.
Location: College St. Norbert Collegiate, 870 Ste. Therese Avenue, Winnipeg, MB. R3T 1H8
Guests: Satvir Jatana, Vice President & Chief Customer Officer, Manitoba Public Insurance   Trevor Ens, President, MADD Winnipeg Chapter

Road crashes are the number one cause of death among Canadian youth, and alcohol and/or drugs are involved in more than half of those crashes. Every year, with the support of sponsors such as MPI, MADD Canada produces a new School Program to educate students in Grades 7 – 12 about the risks of impaired driving. Following the realistic and hard-hitting fictional storyline, students see the personal stories of real-life victims of impaired driving.

MADD Canada’s School Program, which will be presented to hundreds of thousands of students across the country, is available in the traditional assembly format, as well as classroom or virtual formats, depending on each school’s preference. Following the presentations, schools receive an Educators’ Guide to help teachers continue the sober driving conversation all year long.

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