Kaplan launches workshops for financial services leaders

Kaplan launches workshops for financial services leaders

Kaplan launches workshops for financial services leaders | Insurance Business Australia

Insurance News

Kaplan launches workshops for financial services leaders

Series aims to inspire professionals to upskill

Insurance News

Roxanne Libatique

Education provider Kaplan Professional (Kaplan) has launched a new series of corporate workshops designed to bolster leadership strategy.

The MBA-style face-to-face workshops will begin in July 2023 in Sydney. They are suited for leaders of all levels in financial services and other related industries.

“The three-hour workshop format has been specifically chosen to account for busy financial services professionals who prefer knowledge and skills to be acquired via easily accessible in-person sessions with a relatively shorter duration but that still impart practical need-to-know insights, which are immediately implementable in their workplace,” Knight said.

Knight urged finance industry professionals to sign up and attend.

“This includes those who might be struggling to resolve an especially difficult challenge, or who wish to take advantage of an imminent opportunity, or who find themselves responsible for a strategy, project, or team in need of reinvigoration and reimagination,” he said.

Workshops in the series

The workshops are suitable for the following roles:

business solution managers;
lead project managers;
product development managers;
business growth strategists;
customer relationship managers;
senior managers;
business managers;
owners of small enterprises; and
key decision-makers, such as CEOs, COOs, and CMOs.

The first session – titled “Data-driven design thinking: how to use data to amplify creativity and innovation at work” – will introduce participants to scientifically proven methods of resolving stubborn problems via the cultivation of ideas that work.

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“These ideas work because they are underpinned not by intuition, which can often be unreliable, but by the collection and analysis of credible evidence that serves as a more dependable indicator of future success,” said Kaplan academic dean professor James Adonopoulos.

The first workshop will be held from 2pm to 5pm at Level 2 55 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, on July 13 (Thursday).

Other workshops in the series to be launched in the coming months include:

The psychology of persuasion and influence;
Essential skills for leaders of remote teams; and
Managing up for career agility.

In March, Kaplan announced that it will offer more finance scholarships for women through its Women in Finance Scholarships initiative.

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