Japanese insurers to scale down COVID-19 benefits

Japanese insurers to scale down COVID-19 benefits

The Life Insurance Association of Japan has advised its members to consider trimming the scope of policyholders who are eligible to receive COVID-19 hospitalisation benefits.

This comes after the Japanese health ministry shifted to requiring detailed infection reports only for people at high-risk of severe COVID-19, Jiji Press reported.

According to the association, insurance payouts should be limited to the elderly (aged 65 and above), those who needed hospitalisation, those who required therapeutic drugs or supplementary oxygen and those who were pregnant at the time of infection.

The industry body said that its member insurers are free to determine their own criteria for payouts, but many life insurers are expected to follow the association’s recommendations within this month.

“We will continue to play our role in helping people suffering from disease, based on the insurance system’s original significance in society,” the association said.

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