Industry leaders meet with the Aviva Future Leader delegates

Industry leaders meet with the Aviva Future Leader delegates

Authored by Aviva

The Aviva Future Leader Programme (FLP) helps delegates to transform their businesses and lead with knowledge and confidence. One of the most valuable and unique parts of the programme is the access to some of the industry’s leading experts, who give us their full support to the course as our future leader mentors. As well as sharing their own experience in business and expertise as brokerage owners, the mentors provide guidance and support for specific projects and goals the delegates undertake whilst on the programme.

Last month, our Aviva Future Leader brokers met with two of our course mentors, Rob Worrell, Chief Executive Officer at Ardonagh Advisory and Ashwin Mistry, OBE, former Brokerbility and BHIB Executive Chairman. With two very different perspectives on their careers they discussed the highs, lows, challenges and changes they’ve experienced giving brokers unique insight into their careers and successes. Commenting on the programme and group progress, Rob and Ashwin shared;

“The FLP is a genuine force for good to safeguard a highly professional future for our colleagues and clients alike.” – Rob Worrell

“The class of 2022 are genuinely great advocates for our profession…fantastic spirit & willingness to engage.” – Ashwin Mistry

What did the delegate say?

Delegates praised the session rating this mentor insight discussion 4.9/5. One delegate commented;

“Both (mentors) were very different in terms of their style and personalities…we experienced two different ways of thinking and approaching subjects and issues at the same time. They were both interesting, funny and fantastic. Rob had a very pragmatic and down to earth way of approaching issues and Ashwin’s advice on how important claims are to us was a refreshing reminder. I’ll be taking back and using both of their advice in our business.”

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Covering core subjects such as financial planning, legal and HR as well as current industry themes and emerging risks such Sustainability and Underinsurance, the FLP delegates are on an accelerated learning journey both personally as well as building more resilient businesses for them and their clients. Another delegate shared;

“I am really enjoying this course and finding massive value in the content we are covering. Every topic is perfectly relatable and all presenters allow for honest open questions. I feel this gives me the platform to explore areas that I might have missed out on via more generic training. Personally, I am really excited about this journey as the accountability to the course and myself will command progress. Finally, the new relationships with other brokers is really warming as we continue to share real life situations.”

Do you have a future leader in your business?

If you or a member of your team has recently stepped up to lead your brokerage business, you can get support from the Aviva Future Leader Programme. Delivered over two years, through bi-monthly workshops, on-line learning materials and assignments you’ll accelerate your learning in all aspects of running a successful business.

It takes you. It takes a partnership. It takes Aviva.

Want to get involved?

Applications for cohort five are now now open until the end of September. To apply, you’ll need to have the full support of your current business. If you have any questions, please speak to your Sales Manager.

To find out more CLICK HERE