ICBC shares results of new distracted driving survey

ICBC shares results of new distracted driving survey

This increase in phone use is notable, ICBC said, despite many of the drivers being aware of the risks. Ipsos found that 73% of respondents believe it is likely they could be caught by the police while handling an electronic device.

Other key findings of the report included that:

59% of drivers agreed to some extent that it is sometimes “perfectly safe” to talk on the phone while driving, while 42% said that it is sometimes “perfectly safe” to text while driving.
87% said they would feel ashamed if people knew that they texted while driving, and 86% said they would also feel embarrassed if others knew they spoke on the phone while driving.
Within the last month, 21% of BC drivers admitted to texting while driving, and 19% admitted to talking on their phones without a hands-free device.

Based on provincial police data, ICBC said that distracted driving accounts for over one in four fatal crashes in BC, and it claims the lives of 76 each year.

“When you’re driving, staying focused on the road should be your top priority,” said ICBC vice president of customer experience & public affairs Lindsay Matthews. “No phone call or text is worth risking the safety of yourself and other road users. Set a positive example for those around you and take a break from your phone when you’re behind the wheel – turn it to silent or ‘do not disturb’ mode and keep it out of reach and out of sight. We all play a role in creating safer roads for everyone.”

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The survey results come as ICBC, together with the police, launches a month-long campaign to encourage drivers to leave their phone while behind the wheel. As part of the campaign, police will be ramping up distracted driving enforcement and community volunteers will conduct “Cell Watch” deployments.

Read more: ICBC kicks off two road safety initiatives

“To ensure that we’re keeping our roadways safe for everyone, education and enforcement activities begin today throughout BC as part of our fall distracted driving campaign,” said BC Association of Chiefs of Police Traffic Safety Committee chair Chief Constable Neil Dubord. “These police and community efforts are necessary as distracted driving continues to be one of the most dangerous driving behaviours impacting road safety in BC.”

“Any loss of life due to distracted-driving related crashes is unacceptable,” added Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth. “There are no excuses for distracted driving, and there is no reason to check your phone, that outweighs the safety and well-being of your fellow British Columbians. Drivers must prioritize safety over convenience when driving.”