ICBC launches month-long campaign to combat distracted driving

ICBC launches month-long campaign to combat distracted driving

As part of the campaign this month, volunteers will be conducting “Cell Watch” deployments in communities across BC to remind drivers to take a break from using their phones while driving. ICBC’s campaign will also feature radio, digital and social media advertising.

There are heavy penalties for those caught using their electronic devices while driving – one of the more common distracted driving offences, ICBC said. One distracted driving ticket will cost a driver $368, plus four driver penalty points ($214) for a total of $582. Those with two convictions will face as much as $2,000 in fines and penalties, on top of additional driver risk premiums. Drivers in the graduated licensing program who are ticketed could be prohibited from driving for three to eight months, in addition to other penalties.

“Safer roads start with each of us making the decision to drive distraction-free,” said ICBC vice president of customer experience & public affairs Lindsay Matthews. “That means putting your phone on do not disturb, programming your GPS before you start driving or leaving your phone in the glove box if you can’t avoid the temptation. By driving with a clear mind and focused attention, you’re helping to keep yourself and everyone around you safe on the road.”​

“Despite increased awareness and enforcement efforts, many drivers still aren’t getting the message about the dangers of distracted driving,” said NCO BC Highway Patrol Constable Mike Moore. “Every time a driver takes their eyes off the road, they put themselves and others on the road in danger. British Columbia police will be out on the road in every community making sure people leave their phones alone while driving.”

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“All drivers in the province need to respect other road users, including cyclists and pedestrians,” added BC Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth. “Distracted driving is an unacceptable behaviour that endangers the lives of British Columbians with devastating effects for families and communities.”

BC was the sixth-highest Canadian province in terms of median annual auto insurance premium costs, according to a report from the comparison website HelloSafe. The top three provinces with the most expensive auto insurance premiums, according to that report, were Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Ontario.