FSRA puts its foot down on health service provider licensing issue

FSRA puts its foot down on health service provider licensing issue

To help sustain the affordability of auto insurance rates in the province, Ontario’s Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) has taken action to regulate the billing practices of licensed health service providers.

FSRA issues licenses to clinics offering medical, health and rehabilitation services that meet strict requirements. The licence allows them to receive direct payment from auto insurers for approved treatment and expense claims from individuals injured in auto accidents.

In its 2021-2022 health service provider compliance report, the regulator identified four main areas of non-compliance, which include insufficient policies and procedures. FSRA announced that it had approached non-compliant health service providers and either issued them warning letters, accepted their licence surrenders, or escalated enforcement action against them, as needed.

FSRA also stated that it would push for “educational opportunities” for health service providers so that they can remain compliant.

“FSRA will continue to work with stakeholders to explore educational opportunities for licensed service providers,” the regulator said. “Sector education will assist licensed service providers with understanding their regulatory compliance requirements.”

The regulator said that it expects principal representatives and licensed service providers to review the 2021-2022 compliance report findings, so that they can meet the legislative requirements., Providers have also been advised to review the Health Service Provider Licensing Toolkit and FSRA’s other publications for more information on licensing requirements and obligations.

Read more: FSRA introduces major new supervisory framework guidance

In July, the FSRA released its Insurance Prudential Supervisory Framework Guidance for public feedback and consultation. Stakeholders and the public are invited to provide feedback on the framework until September 06, 2022.

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