From stability seeker to award-winning leader

From stability seeker to award-winning leader

From stability seeker to award-winning leader | Insurance Business Australia

Insurance News

From stability seeker to award-winning leader

Insurance boss was first promoted just months after entering industry

Insurance News

Roxanne Libatique

Nilima Pokala, principal, managing director, and co-founder of SureInsure Insurance Advisors (SureInsure), has been celebrated on this year’s Insurance Business Australia (IB) Elite Women 2023 list.

The list recognises and celebrates women in the Australian insurance industry who have achieved significant career milestones, contributed to the industry, and inspired fellow female insurance professionals.

Insurance journey

When her family migrated to New Zealand and her daughter was only a few months old, Pokala was invited by a recruiter to join the insurance industry. While she initially sought stability, she gained a wealth of knowledge, exposure, and personal development.

“Coming into the industry with no insurance background and being promoted to a management role within the first seven months of my career with IAG was an incredible achievement,” she told IB. “I was selected for a national award in New Zealand and recognised as being a brilliant leader. I am extremely grateful for the career development they provided so early on in my career and gave me the opportunity to flourish as a leader.”

Pokala has thrived over the years until becoming an inspiring insurance boss, now leading SureInsure.

“No one ever thinks of entering the insurance industry, but I believe it truly is one of the best industries to be in, and I have never looked back,” she said. “After multiplying our business tenfold in the second year of operations, alongside my husband, I am thoroughly enjoying my journey on the other end of things, where I am mentoring more people starting out in the insurance industry.”

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Learn more about Pokala and her insurance journey, along with the other Elite Women in Australia this year, by reading the IB Elite Women 2023 special report.

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