Fidelity Life boosts support for customers with cancer

Fidelity Life boosts support for customers with cancer

Cancer companion, which is designed to complement customers’ cancer treatment, is composed of three main components:

Cancer Coach, a one-on-one virtual support programme from a qualified CancerAid coach, who will listen, help customers track and manage symptoms, and provide evidence-based techniques to improve lifestyle factors such as sleep, diet, and exercise
The Second Medical Opinion service provides access to Teladoc Health’s oncologists for a specialised expert opinion, including retesting of any pathology, and providing confidence and clarity on treatment pathways to support the treating physicians or doctors in helping guide customers on their healthcare journey
Mental health support through Teladoc Health’s network of New Zealand-registered mental health professionals, with the first virtual session held within 10 days of the first referral

“Our purpose at Fidelity Life is to give New Zealanders certainty to enjoy a more rewarding life, no matter what life throws at them,” said Peter Doherty, Fidelity Life chief customer officer. “A cancer diagnosis is often one of those curveballs. It can be a devastating and life-changing moment but with Cancer companion, we can connect our customers to resources and specialised support so they feel empowered and can focus on what’s important – getting well.”

According to Fidelity Life, around 25,000 New Zealanders are diagnosed with cancer annually, which results in an emotional and complex ordeal – navigating the healthcare system, understanding treatment plans, and learning medical terminologies while battling the physical, mental, and emotional toll of the disease.

“CancerAid and Teladoc Health are experts in the field, and we’re thrilled to be the first to bring their combined service to New Zealanders,” Doherty said. “People who’ve completed Cancer Coach in Australia recorded a marked improvement in pain, emotional issues, and fatigue, and were 73% more likely to return to work, on average, four months faster. Similarly, Teladoc Health’s global Second Medical Opinion service has resulted in 27% of treatments and 10% of diagnoses being modified on cancer-specific conditions.”

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