Ep210 Danielle Librizzi & Chris Cooper QBE NA: If it's good for QBE, it's good for me

Ep210 Danielle Librizzi & Chris Cooper QBE NA: If it's good for QBE, it's good for me

17 minutes ago

Today’s episode is a masterclass with two leaders in the North American professional liability market.

Often on this show we talk about the big picture in very broad brushstrokes, but today is refreshing because we are getting into specific and specialist detail about some of the most broad-reaching and dynamic classes of business anywhere in the world.

Danielle Librizzi, Head of Professional Liability, and Chris Cooper, Head of Media Liability, at QBE North America have a lifetime of market experience between them and this is a lively discussion.

Casualty is under the spotlight the world over, but nowhere more so than in North America, so these two senior underwriters are right at the frontline in the battle to keep on top of new perils and trends in the world’s fastest-moving and highest stakes market.

Here I ask what Danielle makes of casualty rate adequacy and I ask Chris how the pandemic, the trend to digital platforms and the writers’ strike have affected the media liability risk landscape.

How is QBE’s professional liability division responding to the call for the globalisation of QBE’s offering and far great collaboration between departments?

And how is QBE utilizing Artificial Intelligence on the ground in its own underwriting processes and, perhaps more importantly, how does Chris view it as an emerging media liability and potentially systemic general E&O peril?

I got all the answers I was looking for and if you stay tuned so will you.

Danielle and Chris are excellent company and this will be a very rewarding listen for anyone wanting to get a better perspective on the North American professional liability market

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