Ep195 Adrian Cox: Beating Inertia

Ep195 Adrian Cox: Beating Inertia

19 minutes ago

As CEO of Beazley, Adrian Cox runs one of our sector’s fastest-moving and best-rated insurance businesses and so any time I can get him behind a microphone and talking to me is time well spent.

In the past year this firm has pioneered the placement of cyber cat bonds, undergone a major restructure with the formation of a US excess and surplus lines insurance company and made the most of the new opportunities being thrown up in North American property by more than doubling its underwriting volume there.

In this podcast we talk about all these and an awful lot more.

Adrian is excellent company and exudes the kind of confidence that senior brokers complain that they sometimes find lacking in the modern insurance and reinsurance market.

In our talk we get a clear sense of Adrian’s insurance philosophy

Here is someone with a clear way of understanding the insurance world and the confidence and authority to go and execute when he feels the time is right.

Given the rare series of opportunities the global market is presenting brave and decisive underwriters in 2024, I can highly recommend a detailed listen.


Adrian mentions Lloyd’s and now Beazley itself as being ‘A-fifteen’ in size. This a reference to AM Best’s fifteen-point Financial Size Category scale.

XV is the largest size, denoting Capital and Surplus of $2bn or more.


We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo:

We also thank our audio advertiser, Aventum Group
Please contact them on: voi@aventumgroup.com

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