Ep193 Julie Wood CEO QBE North America: Acting on the best available information

Ep193 Julie Wood CEO QBE North America: Acting on the best available information

13 minutes ago

Today’s guest has just become the CEO of a business writing over $7 billion in gross premium a year, which if it were a standalone company, would make her one of the most powerful female CEOs in the global insurance industry.

This is a major business unit that has been through a substantial amount of change and re-focusing of strategy in recent times, but which is now well placed to resume profitable growth as favourable market conditions continue.

The business is QBE North America and the executive is Julie Wood.

Julie has an insurance career in its third decade with senior management experience in broking as well as underwriting.

This gives her a well-rounded perspective on all facets of our industry and means that our discussion spans a broad spectrum of what is happening in the North American insurance market as well as everything that QBE is doing to maximise its opportunity there

Julie is really engaging and down-to-earth and has a very approachable manner which helps fill this podcast full of insights and candid exchanges.

So if you are looking for a detailed update on the largest insurance market in the world from an important and dynamic participant in that market, I can highly recommend a listen.

We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo:

We also thank our audio advertiser, Aventum Group
Please contact them on: voi@aventumgroup.com

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