Ep162 Scott Egan CEO SiriusPoint: Re-establishing credibility in the marketplace
9 minutes ago
Sometimes CEOs can be a little evasive.
Of course they’re nowhere near as evasive as politicians, but, particularly if they are the CEO of a public company, they do have to be quite careful what they say to journalists.
That can make interviews with them a little unengaging.
All this makes today’s guest a real breath of fresh air. SiriusPoint’s various twists and turns in strategy and changes in senior management have made it a little hard to follow in the last couple of years.
Was the firm a hedge fund reinsurer or was it a hybrid venture capital-style incubator and investor? or was it actually a fairly traditional international specialist insurance and reinsurance business?
In the past it may well have been all three of these and more all at once.
But Scott Egan is here to do something about all of that. Relatively quickly into the role he has acted decisively and communicated very clearly what his plan for the business is going forward.
This podcast lays everything out really concisely. Scott let me ask all the questions I wanted to ask and answered them all very clearly where he could.
So if you’ve been scratching your head about what Siriuspoint’s strategy has been all about, allow 35 minutes of Scott’s straight talking to make things clear.
Scott’s incredibly direct and engaging and his communication couldn’t be more plain.
It’s disarming and refreshing and I highly recommend a listen.
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