Ep158 Trevor Carvey CEO Conduit Re: The Cat tide has lifted all the property ships

Ep158 Trevor Carvey CEO Conduit Re: The Cat tide has lifted all the property ships

8 minutes ago

Todays’ podcast is slightly shorter than many. At first I was wondering why but listening back just now it’s actually quite clear.

Long conversations come about because there are complicated structures, products and new ventures to explain.

Or sometimes it’s because the people I talk to say things that I am not expecting them to say and then we have to spend time clarifying exactly what they mean.

With Trevor Carvey CEO of Conduit Re, it isn’t like that.

First of all Conduit was founded on the simple premise of being an uncomplicated pure reinsurer and that plan hasn’t changed just because the market has. There are no new platforms or initiatives to dissect here.

Conduit is staying true to its original business plan, although better-than-expected market conditions may allow the firm to execute that plan a little quicker than expected.

And the relative brevity is also down to Trevor himself. He’s concise and gets to the point and always answers questions head-on and in the most transparent and open way.

It’s refreshing and this means that in a short time you can learn an awful lot about the exact state of the reinsurance market and where the best opportunities currently lie within it.

There’s a lot of highly valuable detail and strategic insight in here coming from someone whose experience is very difficult to match in the industry today.

I highly recommend a listen.

We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo:

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