Ep142 Luke Tanzer CEO Riverstone International: Freeing live underwriters to work the hardening market

Ep142 Luke Tanzer CEO Riverstone International: Freeing live underwriters to work the hardening market

November 1, 2022

Today we have a live market where reinsurance capacity has dried up and investors are utterly fatigued or are openly on strike, and so every dollar of spare capital feels twice as valuable as it did last year

But at the same time we have a highly sophisticated legacy market that is well capitalised and, because of its relatively solid recent track record, has access to more funding if it needs it.

Also legacy infrastructure is probably better equipped to handle anything the live market can throw at it than at any time in its history.

Surely in today’s market every live dollar than can be freed up to write new business at tomorrow’s better prices, will be freed up?

Now is clearly a great time to be talking to today’s guest.

Luke Tanzer is CEO of RiverStone International, a business at the heart of the Lloyd’s and UK company legacy market.

Riverstone has a new owner, fresh capital and focus and ambitious international expansion plans.

Luke is one of the most engaging members of the legacy community and if you haven’t met him before, I think you’ll find him incredibly insightful and refreshing.

And if you still have any outdated ideas about what run-off is in the 2020s, a few minutes in Luke’s company will set you straight.

Given what is happening in the live market, Luke and his peers’ profiles are very likely to be raised a notch or two in the next couple of years as excess demand seeks out his capital and expertise, so get ahead of everyone else and listen on.

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A couple of unexplained abbreviations.

RITC is reinsurance to close, a key part of the Lloyd’s three-year accounting process.

DD is of course due diligence.

We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo:

We also thank this Episode’s advertising supporter Oxbow Partners