Ep 13 The secrets of Jonathan Parry of QBE Re’s success

Ep 13 The secrets of Jonathan Parry of QBE Re’s success

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020

The hardening market and the upcoming renewals, ILS, the vexing casualty question and of course the mega-brokers getting bigger – this interview doesn’t miss anything out.

Jonathan Parry is a highly experienced and well-regarded underwriter with many decades of experience. He knows the insurance and reinsurance markets inside and out. If you don’t know him already I think you’ll like him – and you will learn a lot from him

He’s also quite a rare character in that he spent the first half of his career as a broker.

This gives him a really well rounded perspective on how insurance and reinsurance works and what clients really want from their underwriters.

He is always polite and good humoured but he is firm and has strong convictions and he doesn’t pull any punches.  Jonathan is handing over the QBE Re underwriting mantle at the beginning of April and plans to retire next year.

This candid interview gives a career long perspective on what is happening in reinsurance today and what is right and what is wrong…

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