Ep 122 Dan Trueman: The only way to be in Cyber is to be an expert

Ep 122 Dan Trueman: The only way to be in Cyber is to be an expert

Tuesday May 10, 2022

Today’s guest is one of the elder statemen of the Cyber insurance market and a returning guest to the show.

Way back in Episode 10 of the Voice of Insurance AXIS’s Global Head of Cyber Dan Trueman made a prediction that the Cyber market was on the cusp of big change and that Cyber insurance would never be sold more cheaply than it was back then.

Two years and 111 Episodes later and the hard Cyber market that followed Dan’s comments has rarely been out of the news.

I’d use today’s episode as a really good example of the difference between a podcast and a recorded interview.

That’s because, instead of being just a series of questions and answers, this encounter is very much a conversation, and a lively one at that!

Anyone looking for an update on the highly-pressurised cyber space should look no further.

We talk about the re-pricing the sector has gone through and when this might end, loss trends and what cyber criminals are getting up to as well as advances in modelling systemic risk and the potential for unlocking the capital the class is definitely going to need if it is going to meet rising demand without starting to hit supply constraints.

We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo:

We also thank our advertiser Anaplan and Conor Donohoe and Daniel Ellis for coming on the show to explain what Anaplan’s platform does for the insurance sector.
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