Don’t miss the inside knowledge on the latest emerging risk AND socialise with BIBA West of England

Did you know?

Around 80% of a business’ value is now its intangible assets such as its brand, designs, and innovations rather than in its physical assets such as plant, property and machinery. Change is happening and it’s important for you to understand this new emerging market called intellectual property and what opportunities it brings to your business.

You can get ahead and hear from intellectual property insurance (IPI) experts, and BIBA scheme provider, Opus Underwriting on how the value of business assets are changing. You’ll discover the latest on these new risks, learn the basics of IPI, the protection you can offer your clients and of course the many insurance opportunities that it has to offer you.

Join the BIBA West of England Committee on 14 July 2022 for this exciting session and social event.

CPD session on the emerging risk of intellectual property insurance from 4 pm: Allianz Office, 1, George’s Square, Bath St, Redcliffe, Bristol BS1 6BA
Followed by Social events and networking at Bocabar Finzels, Fermentation, 1 Hawkins Lane, Finzels Reach, Bristol BS1 6JQ

We do hope you will be able to join us to catch up with colleagues in the market, have a drink on us and socialise a little before the summer holidays get underway.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Kind regards,

Nikoleta Facey

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