CSIO releases JSON API implementation guide for insurers and vendors

CSIO releases JSON API implementation guide for insurers and vendors

CSIO releases JSON API implementation guide for insurers and vendors | Insurance Business Canada


CSIO releases JSON API implementation guide for insurers and vendors

New standards for additional uses cases also announced


Mika Pangilinan

The Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) has published a guide to help insurers and vendors integrate JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Application Programming Interface (API) standards into their systems.

The JSON API Implementation Guide was developed with CSIO’s API implementation working groups. The members of these groups provided insights and feedback based on their API implementation experience, focusing on improving message workflow for more robust data synchronization between vendors’ and insurers’ applications.

Additionally, the working groups finalized new standards for four more use cases:

Addition of coverage on risk
Getting claims status
Amending payment details
Amending the address of a financial institution

“The Working Groups’ cooperation enhanced broker and insurer connectivity and optimized value for customers in the P&C landscape,” said Gaurav Chhabra, lead architect at Travelers Canada.

“Finalizing the JSON API Implementation Guide, along with the Standards for additional use cases, improves messaging and enables data synchronization for brokers so they can receive information quicker.”

“The industry came together with a unified goal to continue developing the JSON API standards for use cases and gather input to produce the JSON API Implementation Guide,” added Natasha Joyal, senior director, of development at Vertafore Canada.

“Thanks to our working groups, we have a solid foundation to provide faster communication between brokers and insurers.”

With the JSON API Implementation Guide, the API security standard, and the JSON API standards for 20 technical schemas, CSIO and its JSON and API working groups have equipped insurers and vendors with a comprehensive toolkit to facilitate priority brokers’ daily business activities.

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