Convective storms in Europe to drive hundreds of millions in losses: Aon


Outbreaks of severe convective storms across western and central Europe between July 6th and 13th are initially anticipated to drive minimally hundreds of millions of Euros in insured losses, according to broker Aon.

Impact Forecasting, the catastrophe analytics and meteorology unit of the insurance and reinsurance broker said that the outbreaks are expected to generate tens of thousands of claims across the region of Europe affected.

A multi-day severe convective storm outbreak hit numerous countries across the western and central European region.

Damages are reported and expected from very large hail impacts, strong and damaging winds, and widespread heavy rainfall, according to the broker.

These convective storms have caused “notable damage” to property, vehicles, and crops across the region of Europe affected.

Spain and southwest France were hit between July 6th and 7th, as supercells generated large hail up to 8 cm (3.1 inches) in north-eastern Spain, and another hail swathe struck central Aragon, with the largest hailstones related to this cell measuring 11 cm (4.3 inches) in diameter, while France experienced damaging winds.

July 9th to 10th saw storms breaking out in France, Germany and the Czech Republic, with relatively minor impacts from larger hail and strong wind.

July 11th to 13th saw further convective weather events, with central-eastern France, southern Germany, Switzerland, and western Austria all affected, and very large hail of up to 10 cm (3.9 inches) experienced.

In addition, there were impacts in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, northern Serbia, Romania and western Hungary during this period.

In Spain, notable insured losses are expected from the agricultural industry, while large individual risk losses are expected, such as a car manufacturing plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz in Basque Country where over 1,000 vehicles were damaged by hail.

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Commenting on these European severe convective storms, Aon’s Impact Forecasting explained, “The recent outbreaks of severe convective storm weather in several countries in Europe are likely to result in substantial economic and insured losses. Several large hailstorms, which hit multiple population centers, along with notable impacts from strong winds as well as heavy rainfall, were initially anticipated to minimally generate tens of thousands of claims and losses in hundreds of millions EUR.”

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