CII appoints new members of its new look Independent Review Pool

CII appoints new members of its new look Independent Review Pool

The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) has announced its new look Independent Review Pool (IRP) with 9 new appointments, including a new legally qualified Chair.

The IRP carries out a review and tribunal service for the disciplinary and eligibility functions of the CII and is independent of the CII. It consists of CII/PFS members, lay members (those who are separate from the insurance and financial planning professions) and legally qualified members. The IRP may carry out other review services for the CII as required by the Professional Standards Committee (PSC).

As a Royal Charter Body, the CII’s fundamental purpose is to build public trust in the insurance profession and our strapline ‘Standards. Professionalism. Trust.’ embodies our commitment to driving confidence in the power of professional standards. In order to help us do this we need to be able to deliver a robust disciplinary and membership eligibility process to ensure all of our members are held to the standard we expect and hold them accountable for when they fall below this standard.

Melissa Collett, executive director of professional standards for the CII, said “This recruitment campaign for the new IRP members has brought in some fantastic new talent and people with so many different backgrounds and fields of experience. We are delighted to have such a strong pool of individuals to bring a fresh perspective to the CII’s disciplinary framework and help us develop and strengthen the processes we already have in place, as well as coming up with new ideas.”

“We have recruited 9 new IRP members, including a new legally qualified Chair, Professor Jane Jarman, who brings a wealth of experience in disciplinary matters, having advised a number of regulators and professional bodies in recent years, both in the UK and internationally.”

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Professor Jane Jarman of Nottingham Trent University and new legally qualified Chair of the IRP, said “I am delighted to have been asked to lead the CII’s new Independent Review Pool. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to work with the wider pool members to deliver the robust and independent processes that CII members expect, while ensuring we work collectively to uphold the high standards that are essential across our sector.”

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Authored by the Chartered Insurance Institute