Chartered Insurance Institute urges insurers to become allies

The Chartered Insurance Institute, QIC Global Services Ltd, Marsh McLennan and Swiss Re have teamed up to encourage insurance professionals to become effective allies to achieve a more inclusive profession.
During a session at today’s (28 September 2022) Dive In Festival, titled ‘How communities can build trust within their communities and society through allyship’, insurance professionals learnt in order to become effective allies they need to: Acknowledge, Learn, Level-up and ask Why?
At the event, held in Swiss Re’s London offices, Richard Chapman-Harris, Global Lead for Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging at Marsh McLennan; Orla Foley-Wright, HR and Communications Director of QIC Global Services Ltd; Vivine Cameron, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager of the Chartered Insurance Institute; and George Tsounias, Relationship Manager for Education at the Chartered Insurance Institute, explained how effective allyship can be achieved.
Firstly, professionals were encouraged to make use of the Ally Continuum, created by Marsh McLennan’s Mr Chapman-Harris, which says professionals should start by acknowledging that inequity is experienced by many in society, and this can impact organisational processes, affect team dynamics, and even unfairly influence our everyday interactions with each other.
Secondly, professionals were pointed towards information to improve their understanding of the challenges experienced by a diversity of colleagues and communities, such as the BBC’s 10 Ways to be an LGBTQ+ Ally guidance.
Thirdly, professionals were motivated to take action to address unfairness or inequity and commit to ways they would even out any imbalances and help support fairer and more equal opportunities.
Finally, they were told ask themselves why they were an ally, with panellists noting that understanding why you are choosing to acknowledge, learn and level-up is key to having a positive impact.
Richard Chapman-Harris, Global Lead for Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging at Marsh McLennan, said: “To be an effective ally we should recognise and acknowledge what is unfair, we should seek to learn more, take actions to address the unfairness or ‘level up’ – and then reflect why we took that action and explore if our allyship has worked or if we need to revisit our approach.”
George Tsounias, Relationship Manager for Education at the Chartered Insurance Institute, said: “Individuals, as well as organisations, need to recognise the pivotal role that allyship plays in ensuring a more diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone has a collective responsibility to play a role.”
Vivine Cameron, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager of the Chartered Insurance Institute, said: “It is vital that allies question if the actions you are taking are the rights ones and review the results of your efforts.
“You are encouraged to explore, learn, reflect and when possible, seek feedback to help keep yourself up to date and to efficiently reshape actions and learning to continue your personal and professional journey.”
Following the session, attendees were encouraged to anonymously share the actions they will take to become allies so that the Chartered Insurance Institute can share examples of good practice in this area in future editions of their membership publication The Journal.
Authored by the Chartered Insurance Institute