BMS launches captive insurance arm in Alberta

BMS launches captive insurance arm in Alberta

Services of the new division include insurance company management, strategic and advisory services, governance and compliance audits, analytical and capital impact analysis, and transfer pricing validation.

BMS added that consistent with the confidentiality and independence standards required of captive insurance managers, the new division will strictly adhere to ring-fence principles.

The launch of BMS Captive Insurance Services comes after Alberta passed the Captives Insurance Companies Act and the Insurance Amendment Act on July 1, 2022.

Read more: Alberta legislators propose bill allowing creation of captive insurance companies

BMS said that Ian Matheson, non-executive chairman of BMS Canada, had a hand in informing the new legislation, as he served as a member of the Alberta Economic Development Task Force. Matheson and the task force also developed a comprehensive strategic plan around making Alberta a centre for insurance, reinsurance, retrocession, and risk securitization through captives. BMS Canada president and CEO Brian Gomes also served in an advisory role to the task force.

“With the amendments to the Insurance Act and the passing of the Captive Insurance Companies Act, Alberta is rapidly establishing its position as a vibrant and welcoming hub for insurance activity,” said Matheson. “It is gratifying to be able to work alongside my peers in the task force to continue to develop Alberta’s insurance expertise as well as to attract new business into the region.”

“Given market conditions, many organisations who need insurance remain under-served,” added Gomes. “Now this new legislation has entered into law, it will help address that gap, expanding the range of insurance options for businesses in the region. To ensure companies are able to fully take advantage of this, BMS Captive Insurance Services will be on hand to provide clients with the specialist knowledge they require to set up, manage and optimize a captive arrangement.”

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