Best of Artemis, week ending August 18th 2024

Here are the ten most popular news articles, week ending August 18th 2024, covering catastrophe bonds, ILS, reinsurance capital and related risk transfer topics. To ensure you never miss a thing subscribe to the weekly Artemis email newsletter updates or get our email alerts for every article we publish.
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Ten most read articles on, week ending August 18th 2024:
Gallagher Re hires global distribution head Lara Mowery from Guy Carpenter
Reinsurance broker Gallagher Re has made a key appointment, hiring senior executive Lara Mowery, the Global Head of Distribution at Guy Carpenter, the company confirmed.
Catastrophe bond market yield shows seasonality, ends July 2024 at 13.54%
Seasonality has started to become visible in the overall yield of the catastrophe bond market, with the figure sliding slightly in the month of July 2024 to end the period at a still historically very high 13.54%.
Florida carriers better protected by reinsurance, reporting lower attritional losses: KBRA
Painting a picture of an insurance marketplace recovering after a challenging period, rating agency KBRA notes that reporting suggests Florida property insurance carriers are in a much better place, while the reinsurance market has responded and helped carriers increase their protection in advance of the expected busy hurricane season.
Hannover Re’s cat bond fronting hits record level, collateralised ILS activity expands in H1 2024
Hannover Re has seen continued success in its business servicing and facilitating transactions in the collateralised reinsurance and insurance-linked securities (ILS) market in the first-half of 2024, with it notably beating its own full-year record for catastrophe bond limit fronted for already this year.
Northern Re, bridging the gap to casualty risk with a hybrid ILS approach
Backed by a private investment group, Northern Re is a reinsurance firm that views itself partly as a hybrid insurance-linked securities (ILS) manager, enabling its insurance company partners to access the benefits of ILS capacity without the usual contractual stipulations required by other collateralized providers, according to co-founder Peter McKelvy.
Hamilton’s third-party capital platform Ada Capital generating performance fees
Hamilton, the Bermuda based insurance and reinsurance holding company, has been generating a helpful addition to its earnings from performance fees earned by its Ada Capital Management third-party capital platform and its Ada Re collateralized reinsurance and retrocession underwriting vehicle, in recent quarters.
Liberty Latin America expects $44m parametric payout for hurricane Beryl
Communications specialist Liberty Latin America is expecting a $44 million payout from parametric weather derivatives after the passage of hurricane Beryl triggered these instruments for the company.
VKB says Germany June flood loss well-below King Max cat bond attachment
German insurer Versicherungskammer Bayern Versicherungsanstalt des oeffentlichen Rechts’ (VKB) has provided an update on its losses from the severe flooding that struck southern parts of Germany in June 2024, highlighting they remain well-below the attachment point of its King Max Re DAC 2023 catastrophe bond, Artemis has learned.
Parametric writer NormanMax hires TopSail’s Turgel as CUO, Arbol’s Gabin as General Counsel
NormanMax Insurance Holdings, the US based parametric insurance and reinsurance group that is the operator of the first pure-parametric syndicate at Lloyd’s, has announced the hiring of a new Chief Underwriting Officer in Daniel Turgel from Topsail Re, as well as a new General Counsel with ILS experience in Matthew Gabin.
Cat bonds on track for record 2024, as secondary trading hits new high: Swiss Re
After a record-setting first-half to 2024, the catastrophe bond market is on track to break another primary issuance record this year, while the secondary market has already experienced record high trading volumes, according to global reinsurance firm Swiss Re.
This is not every article published on Artemis during the last week, just the most popular among our readers over the last seven days. There were 34 new articles published in the last week.
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